Friday, January 7, 2011

Lesbian - Stratospheria Cubensis [2010/320]

Here's a nice find. While not earth-shattering in originality, it's a pretty heavy album with some nice progressive bits. I assure you, the band's name in no way relates to their sound. Also happens to be one of the few stoner albums this year that I've enjoyed. If I have one complaint about it though, it would be the length of it. There's over 70 minutes of content here, but it's not really justified in any way and will likely bore the average listener before it's over. Regardless, if you're looking for a stoner fix, this will do fine.

Artist: Lesbian
Album: Stratospheria Cubensis
Release Year: 2010
Genre: Progressive Stoner/Doom Metal

1. Poisonous WitchBall
2. Poverty and War Forever
3. Raging Arcania
4. Stropharia Cubensis
5. Black Stygian

1 comment:

  1. Thanks man, one of the few uniques band in the world. Greetings from
